Displaying 31 - 60 of 254 in total

Abide: Opposition

Have you ever experienced opposition to your faith in Jesus? As our "Abide" series continues, we listen to Jesus' words in John 15:18-6:4 as he prepares us to face opp...

Abide: Fruit

Jesus wants all believers to bear fruit. What does that mean exactly? We'll be looking to John 15:1-17 to discover how we can live a fruitful life by abiding in Jesus....

Abide: Help

The bad news? There's no way you can live the "Jesus Life" on your own. The good news? Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit to help us live and love like him! We'll be i...

Abide: Believe

What is it that has you stressed and anxious? As our "Abide" series continues, we learn from Jesus about how faith is the fix for a troubled heart. Our Scripture will ...

Abide: Failure

Our "Abide" series continues as we discuss how Jesus predicted that Peter would deny him in John 13:36-38. Satan wants to use our failures to discourage us from living...

Abide: Love

This week at Refuel, we're talking about love, but not the mushy-gushy kind. In John 13:31-35, Jesus gives us a fresh understanding of what it means to "Love one anoth...

Abide: Betrayal

Our "Abide" series continues this week as we talk about Judas' betrayal of Jesus in John 13:21-30. Join us for Refuel!Click here for the message notes.

Abide: Serving

It's the first Refuel of 2024! Join us as we kick off our new series on Jesus' Upper Room teaching!Click here for the message notes.

Sleighin' It: Living In Wonder

Our "Sleighin' It" series continues! This week, we're looking at Luke chapter 2, and considering how Mary practiced the habit of wonder. Join us for Refuel!For the mes...

Sleighin' It: Living In Praise

Our "Sleighin' It" series continues as we look at how Mary continued the habit of praise, even though she was in a tough situation. Join us for Refuel!For the message ...

Sleighin' It: Living In Surrender

Join us for Refuel this week as we kick off our Christmas series!For the message notes, click here.

In Christ: Be Strong!

Join us this week for Refuel as we wrap up our Ephesians series! We'll be in Ephesians 6:10-20.For the message notes, click here.

In Christ: The Lanes of Relationships

What's the most challenging thing about being part of a family? Join us at Refuel as our "In Christ" series hit on family issues.We'll be in Ephesians 5:22-6:9Click he...

In Christ: Wising Up

If we're going to be different. we're going to have to "wise up" about the way we live our lives. Join us for Refuel as our "In Christ" series continues! We'll be in E...

In Christ: Glowing Up

What does it mean to "Glow Up" spiritually? Join us this week at Refuel as we tackle Ephesians 4:17-5:2.For the message notes, click here.

In Christ: Growing Up

What does it mean to "grow up" spiritually? Join us as we talk about Ephesians 4:1-16 in our "In Christ" series!For the message notes, click here.

In Christ: You Are Loved

"In Christ" continues as we tackle Ephesians 3:14-21. You are loved!For the message notes, click here.

In Christ: Squirrel!

Our Ephesians series continues as we talk about Paul's divinely appointed "squirrel" moment!For the message notes, click here.

In Christ: Up Close and Personal

We continue our fall teaching series at Refuel tonight by digging into Ephesians 2:11-22.. Thanks for joining us!For the message notes, click here.

In Christ: The Story of Us

In Christ, everyone has a story! Do you have a story in Christ? Join us for Refuel tonight as we study Ephesians 2:1-11!For the message notes, click here.

In Christ: Eyes Wide Open

We continue our fall teaching series at Refuel tonight by digging into Ephesians 1:15-23. Thanks for joining us!Click here for the message notes.

In Christ: The Umbrella of Salvation

Refuel kicks off for the school year by diving into the book of Ephesians. Join us for the first night of this important series!Click here for message notes.

The Greatest Sermon Ever: The Invitation

We've been journeying through the Sermon on the Mount for nine weeks, and this week we wrap it up! Join us as we read Jesus' invitation in The Greatest Sermon Ever!Cli...

Dating, Dumping, & Disciple-Making

What does the Bible say about dating? Join us for Refuel tonight and get truth from God's Word on an important topic, and meet some strange characters along the way!Cl...

The Greatest Sermon Ever: Anxiety

Why is anxiety on the rise among teenagers in the US? Join us as we break down how the Bible addresses one of the hottest topics in teenage culture!Click here for the ...

The Greatest Sermon Ever: Hypocrisy

Why do you do what you do? Unfortunately, many people do religious things only to be seen by others. Join us for Refuel tonight as we talk about what it looks like to ...

The Greatest Sermon Ever: Salty People

Our series through the Sermon on the Mount continues as we talk about how to be salt and light to salty people. We'll be in Matthew 5:38-48 this week. Join us for Refu...

The Greatest Sermon Ever: Integrity

Our series through the Sermon on the Mount continues this week as we talk about being people who are true to our word.Join us for Refuel this week!Click here for the m...

The Greatest Sermon Ever: Lust

We're back for another round of our series on the Sermon on the Mount.Join us for Refuel this week!Click here for the message notes.

The Greatest Sermon Ever: Disciples of Jesus From the Inside Out

Our series through the Sermon on the Mount continues tonight as we talk about having an undivided heart for the things of God and how it applies to the way we get alon...

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