Deep Fakes: Everything About Sex Can Be Learned in Health Class
Join us this week, as we dive into the topic of teens and sexuality.
It may surprise you to learn that God has lots to say about sex in the Bible. With every passing year, it gets harder to be a teenager, especially in the area of sexuality. Recent statistics have revealed that, in media, you are exposed to 400% more sexual content than your parents were exposed to at your age.
It's all too easy to look at these challenges, and resign yourself to defeat. But, as we learned from Joseph's example, through the power of God, teens can make choices that honor him, even when those around us don't.
It all starts with Jesus, and the victory he won over sin on the cross. Sin and temptation still exist, and the battle rages every day in our hearts and minds. But, through the power of the gospel, we've been freed from the prison of sin.