Displaying 91 - 120 of 255 in total
David's School of Prayer
We all know that prayer is important, so why don't we pray more? Join us at Refuel tonight as we "get some reps" at praying!
Binge the Bible: The Future
Our final "Binge the Bible" session deals with the book of Revelation. Buckle up! We're learning about what it will be like when Jesus returns!
Binge the Bible: Church
What's so important about church anyway? Unfortunately, many teens have experience church as a place full of judgmental people. But what if God intended it to be somet...
Where Is God in the Storm?
When life gets stormy, where is God? Join us this week as we look to Jesus in Mark chapter 4.
Binge the Bible: Prophets
Join us as we continue our "Binge the Bible" series at Refuel by talking about the prophets!
Binge the Bible: Israel
Join us this week as we learn how God used ordinary people to be a part of his extraordinary plan to save the world.
Binge the Bible: Promise
Our journey through the Bible continues this week at we look at the promise God made in the book of Jesus.
Binge the Bible: Fall
Our "Binge the Bible" series continues as we talk about how humans fell into sin.
Binge the Bible: Creation
We're kicking off a new series this week called "Binge the Bible!"
Level UP!
Refuel returns after holiday break! Tonight, we're talking about what it means to grow up spiritually?
All I Want for Christmas Is You: Peace on Earth
Join us as we talk about how Jesus brings peace to our broken world. We'll be in Luke 2:14.
All I Want for Christmas Is You: The Spirit of the Season
Refuel is back tonight, and kicking off our Christmas series as we talk about what it means to really worship God. Thanks for joining us! Our Scripture comes from L...
I'll Be There For You: The One Where You & Your Friends Change the World
Join us tonight for Refuel as we talk about friend groups and cliques.
I'll Be There For You: The One with the GOAT
What are you looking for in a friend? In Proverbs 26 tonight, we'll get wisdom from God on how to choose our friends, and how to be a good friend to others.
Send It: Everywhere
Our Missions Emphasis Month continues as we talk about how God has called us to take the gospel everywhere! Our Scripture comes from Acts 1:8.
Send It: Guest Speaker Trey Bailey
Join us as we kick off our first-ever Missions Emphasis Month! Tonight, our guest speaker is Trey Bailey, who is the Director of Mission Team Development at SCORE Inte...
Escape Plan: What Did Jesus Do?
As we wrap-up our Escape Plan series, we'll learn from Jesus' example in Luke 4:1-13. Join us as we learn how Jesus defeated temptation, and offers life and forgivenes...
Send It: Everyone
Missions isn't just for missionaries! Join us tonight as we look at 2 Corinthians chapter 8, and learn how even those of us who don't feel very talented or gifted can ...
Escape Plan: Dead Ends
If I'm trying to survive temptation, how can I know which way to go? Watch out for these "dead ends," and join us as we dive into James chapter 1 at Refuel!
Escape Plan: Everyone Needs a Plan
Tonight we're starting a new series on how to fight temptation. How do we flee it?
Outward Expression, Inward Experience
Since Jesus always forgives, does that mean I can live however I want?
I Doubt It: "Why Do I Struggle With Sin?"
If I'm saved, why do I still struggle with sin?
I Doubt It: "Can I Lose It?"
If I sin in a BIG way, can I lose my salvation? What about if I mess up a lot? What if I sin for a long time?
I Doubt It: "Did I Mean It?"
Join us this week as we kickoff Refuel for Fall 2021!
Deep Fakes: Everything About Sex Can Be Learned in Health Class
Join us this week, as we dive into the topic of teens and sexuality.
Deep Fakes: Parents Are the Enemy
Our "Deep Fakes" series continues as we talk about your parents. Open up your Bible and get ready - we'll be back and forth in Proverbs tonight!
Deep Fakes: Politics Determine Someone’s Relationship with God
This week's "Deep Fake" is: "Politics determines someone's relationship with God." Join us as we dive into Jesus and politics!
Deep Fakes: Social Media Corresponds to Reality
Our "Deep Fakes" series continues as we tackle social media. We'll be in 1 Timothy 6 for our Bible study. Join us live!
Deep Fakes: Culture Defines Gender
Join us as the "Deep Fakes" series continues as we dive into the issue of gender. Our Scripture begins with Genesis 1.
Deep Fakes: "If It Says 'Christian," I Can Trust It"
Just because someone says they're a Christian, should I trust them? Join us as we dive into 2 Corinthians 11, and talk about a 2,000 year old Deep Fake that still exis...