Displaying 121 - 150 of 256 in total
Deep Fakes: "If It Says 'Christian," I Can Trust It"
Just because someone says they're a Christian, should I trust them? Join us as we dive into 2 Corinthians 11, and talk about a 2,000 year old Deep Fake that still exis...
Ruthless: Ruthless Roadblocks, Relentless Redemption (Part 2)
We're in Ruth chapter 4. Join us as we finish this incredible book series!
Ruthless: Ruthless Roadblocks, Relentless Redemption (Part 1)
We're in Ruth chapter 3 tonight. Buckle up and join us!
Ruthless: Ruthless Culture, Relentless Kindness
When affected by a ruthless culture, embrace God’s relentless kindness.
Ruthless: Ruthless Pain, Relentless Promises
When life feels ruthlessly painful, hold on to God’s relentless promises.
Life in 6 Words: Paying
We're all the way to letter "P" in the G.O.S.P.E.L. Join us as we talk about how Jesus paid the price for sin.
Life in 6 Words: Sins
Our series continues as we talk about how cakes, ladders, mirrors, and other everyday objects that remind us how only Jesus can pay for our sins.
Life in 6 Words: Our
As we continue our "Life in 6 Words" series, we learn that sin separates us from God.
Life in 6 Words: God
We begin our "Life in 6 Words" series by talking about how God created us to be with him.
Among Us: Crewmates
Because Jesus loved us at Christmas, we should love our crewmates! Our Scripture for this week's lesson comes from 1 John chapter 4.
Among Us: Emergency Meeting
Jesus was more than a baby in a manger, he was God among us. Our Christmas series kicks-off in John chapter 1!
Supernatural: The Undead
If you believe in Jesus, you died! Our Scripture comes from Colossians chapter 3.
Supernatural: The Table of Demons
The little things matter more than you may think! Our Scripture comes from 1 Corinthians 10.
Supernatural: Life & Death
There's nothing more important than where you spend forever! Our Scripture comes from Matthew 7:13-14.
Supernatural: Angels & Demons
Join us as we talk about the supernatural battle that rages in our hearts and minds every day! Our Scripture comes from 1 Peter 5:8-11.
Supernatural: Mutation
Join us as we talk about how God works in our lives to make us more like Jesus! Our Scripture comes from 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24.
Back to the Building, Back to the Body
Join us as we celebrate our return back to the Student Ministry Building! Our Scripture comes from 1 Corinthians 12.
316: 15 Before 16
As we kick off our "3:16" series, we look at the patience of God.
Eat Your Heart Out!
What in the world is fasting? This week, we discuss how engaging in this "weird" practice can connect our heart with God's heart.
Punch Fear in the Face: Fear of the Unknown/Anxiety
As we conclude our "Punch Fear in the Face" series, we tackle one of the biggest fear issues of all: Anxiety.
Punch Fear in the Face: Fear of Failure
Our "Punch Fear in the Face" series continue as we see what God has to say about wins and losses.
Punch Fear in the Face: FOMO
We kick-off our "Punch Fear in the Face" series by talking about F.O.M.O. (Fear of missing out)
Hot Topics: Sex
Our Hot Topics series heats up as we talk about sex. God has lots to say about this hot topic!
Hot Topics: Gossip
Gossip doesn't sound very "hot," but the more we look at it in the light of God's Word, the more we realize our words matter.
Hot Topics: Drinking
Our "Hot Topics" series heats up as we talk about drinking.
Hot Topics: Bad Christians
We kick off our "Hot Topics" series by talking about "Bad Christians." Do you know a bad Christian?
Win the Day!
As your kick off a new year and decade, learn how each day adds up to a big WIN!
Fake News from the Christmas Story: Three Kings
As we "wrap up" our "Fake News from the Christmas Story" series, we discuss about how Jesus was more than a baby, he was a King!
Fake News from the Christmas Story: The Barn
Kicking off "Fake News from the Christmas Story," we discuss about how Jesus was born into our situation.
Big BUTS of the Bible: But God Wouldn't Use Me
In our final week of "Big BUTS of the Bible," we talk about how teens can share Jesus with their friends.